Saturday, August 16, 2008
Back to Buisness as Usual
I've been enjoying going to uni on Mondays and Fridays - there's so many people who just love to say hello to me!
Thursdays I've been visiting the Preps at Pembroke Primary. Last week they had a party and dressed up as things that started with P. I wore my pirate hat - everyone was impressed! I had my photo taken with all the other pirates, too. My Person dressed up as a princess - so did five of the preps. It was a fun day! I love the new principal at the school - she will give me cuddles and get down on the floor to play with me!
Last night I caught up with Clementine again - we were at a Guide Dogs Girls Group (now apparently known as Chic) meeting. I also got to see Peggy, Shelley and Rose! Amy couldn't make it because she was working, but I'm going to her place today, then we're going out. My Person says we may even catch up with the guys at some point. I'm looking foward to it!
Tomorrow we are going out for lunch - and I think I heard a rumour that Guide Dog Prince will be there - and maybe a few others. I'll have to try to behave while I'm wearing my harness - it will be difficult, but I'll manage!
Anyhow, must go make sure My Person packs my dinner into her bag for tonight,
Have a good weekend!
Guide Dog Kenworth
Monday, August 4, 2008
A day at the vet...
I've been having trouble with my ears for a little while, so today I had to go to the vet and spend the day with them. They gave me some medicine that made me all sleepy and then cleaned a lot of mucky stuff out of my ears. Now I can't seem to get my legs to do what I want them to.
All this and they didn't even give me any treats today!
I must get some sleep now,
Next time, people!
Guide Dog Kenworth
Saturday, August 2, 2008
My Trip to Tassie
I got back home from Tasmania last night - and boy was I happy to see My Person's Mum and Dad and littlest sister!
The trip was great! I got to go heaps of new places and show everyone how to get back to the hotel - which I was very good at!
Here's a picture of me with My Person, Guide Dog Clementine and most of my new friends (I never did get a photo of all the instructors!)
This was a great day - we went on a tour of all sorts of new places. My Person called them 'Richmond', 'The Devil's Kitchen', 'Port Arthur' and 'the Dog Chain'. When we stopped to look at the place where the dog chain used to be, I got to have a run around - it was so much fun! I even played chase with Clementine. Then we went to look at something that looked like a dog - I was so looking forward to meeting it, but then I realised it wasn't really a dog, but metal!
That night, we went on another tour - my person called it a 'ghost tour'. We walked around a big old building in the dark. My Person was being a bit silly, but I was happy to do my job. I didn't much like the narrow stairs, though!
On Thursday I went walking in the snow! We went up to the top of Mount Wellington and climbed up some rocks to the very top. The snow was a little cold on my feet, but it was very interesting stuff! Here's a picture of my Person and I on Mount Wellington:
We went down the mountain a bit to have lunch - though the instructors had forgotten to bring any for themselves! Luckily My Person and Amy and Maysa had thought to bring fruit and biscuits to share!
After lunch we went on a long bushwalk. All the people kept slipping, and My Person decided I could just walk on the leash and she got out her cane. Andy nearly fell down an embankment, and he, Amy and My Person were laughing so hard they had a job getting him back onto the path! It was fantastic fun, and when we got back to the picnic spot all the guys played fetch and chase with me!
Later in the afternoon Shane drove Amy, Andy, Gerry, My Person and I to a park where they climbed on an old cannon.
I was sliding around too much in the back of the 4WD, so my person said I could ride up front with Andy. That was good, but Andy had gotten soaked when he walked into the sea at Blackmans Bay and a huge wave hit him. I'd been told I couldn't go into the water, but I did get a bit wet in the car - yay!
Clementine wasn't so keen on the flights, but I didn't mind - except when we landed in Melbourne coming home, because that was a bit bumpy for my liking! Mostly I slept on the floor beside My Person's seat.
Anyhow, I'm hoping to be fed soon, so I'll go sit on my mat for a while and hope My Person gets the hint. This has been a fantastic week!
Next time, people,
Guide Dog Kenworth