Sunday, April 19, 2009

How does a Guide Dog know where to go?

Well, this is both a simple question and a complex one.

The simple answer? Our handlers tell us where to go. They can tell us the name of somewhere we've already been, or they can tell us when and where to turn - we Guide Dogs know words like 'straight on', 'left' and 'right' as well as 'find'.

So why is this a complex question? Because it can also mean 'how does a Guide Dog know what a [name of place] is?'

The answer? We don't really. We get taught what our person means when they say things like 'chemist', 'post office' and 'supermarket'. They could just as easily teach us that those places are called 'elephant', 'apple' and 'blue'. So - how does it work? I'll tell you how My Person teaches me. It's pretty similar for most handlers, but there will always be some variations.

First, My Person checks maps and asks questions to make sure she knows EXACTLY where she's going - how many streets do we need to cross before we turn? Is there a path to follow through the park? How far along a street do we need to go before we might see the place?

Then we leave home. She tells me we are going 'somewhere new' - so I don't have to worry about not knowing. This tells me I'm going to be told every step of the way what to do. I don't like it much - I'd rather know where I'm going and take My Person there. But I do like new places, too, so I'm willing to compromise occasionally. At each road or turn My Person will give me the direction and sometimes she tells me the name of the place we are going. We just keep following her directions until we find a place that seems right. (Lucky My Person has some useable sight or we might never find some places!)

Sometimes My Person gets someone to help her find somewhere the first time. She has them walk in front so I can follow them. This does make her life a lot easier, but I don't mind either way.

Once we've found the new place we stop and My Person makes a big fuss of me, tells me where we are and how clever I am. Sometimes she even gives me a treat! After that, I know that word and that place are the same. If My Person tells me we are going to that place I'm very happy to take her there - after all, I love being told how clever I am!

Some Guide Dogs need to go somewhere several times to learn the word for it. Others (like me) only need to do so once and we know the way backwards and fowards.

Usually a Guide Dog needs to be taught each place they need to go. We don't usually recognise a building as being a particular place unless we've been taught what it is. Some of us can be taught that the word 'chemist', for example, means a different place depending on where we are. I know that My Person means the nearest one and take her there.

Sometimes we still choose to do things our own way. One day, My Person and I went with the MummyBear and the DaddyBear to a new shopping centre. My Person told me she was looking for a 'chemist' but didn't expect me to find it myself. I took her right there!

Now it's time for my question to you... How do you think I managed to find a chemist in a place I'd never been before? My Person asked a primary school class this question a few weeks ago and got some interesting answers. Comment me with your thoughts and I'll give you mine a bit later on!


  1. Wow Kenworth! this is really amazing, I had no idea that you could remember how to get to places so well I had always assumed that you were told where to go each time!
    My guess is that you smelt the chemist? I guess they must all smell kind of similar?! Not having a super-charged nose like yours though it would just be a guess!
    Great blog too, what a wonderful idea!

  2. Oh oh *raises a paw* we sniff!

  3. Yay! Two correct answers! Maybe it was an easy question?

    Anyhow, you're right. Since I already knew of three or four places called 'chemist', I had some idea what the places my person gave that name to smelt like. Not every pup can do it - My Person was so shocked that I could!

    Thanks for playing. Stay tuned for another question and answer in the near future...
